If you type in 11 Wall Street Hudson Falls, it will bring you right to the big stone church next to the studio. Our actual address comes up weird on GPS, so we always reference the church. The Suite is on the corner, on the traffic circle right next to the church. You will see "The Suite" in big letters in the window.
On the traffic circle, you will see a one way street between the stone church and our studio on the corner. You can go down the one way street and it will lead you to the parking lot on the right.
For sessions:
The photographer/renter has 15 minutes before and after their rental for set up and break-down.
This does not apply for your client - they arrive at the start of your rental time (not 15 minutes before).
For events:
Please book your event rental time to include enough time for you to set up and pick up. Additional time is not included.
You are allowed to bring your dog to your session, as long as it is well-trained and does not have dirty paws. Please refrain from letting your dog on the furniture unless its paws are completely clean.
Rental periods are pre-arranged at the time of booking. The photographer/renter has 15 minutes before and after their rental for set up and break-down. This does not apply for your client - they arrive at the start of your rental time (not 15 minutes before). The studio must be cleaned and vacated by the end of the rental period.
We ask that you remove your shoes when entering the studio. If you/your client would like to wear shoes in the photographs, please pack them in a bag and change into them once you enter the studio. *No dirty shoes on the backdrops.*
The lockbox is located on our back door and includes a key for the back door as well as a key for the front door. Upon booking your rental, you will receive instructions on how to use the lockbox and enter the studio. Please be sure to lock all doors, put both keys back in the lockbox and scramble the code upon leaving.
We have a pulley system in the studio with multiple backdrops on it. Please be careful and cautious when using the backdrops. Please do not use the backdrops with dirty shoes, only roll out the backdrop as long as you need it for your client to stand on and carefully pull it back up when done.
You are welcome to use all furniture in the studio, but we ask that you return everything to its original place upon leaving. Some pieces that are heavy and we would not like moved across the floor (unless fully picked up) are the two glass tables and the mantle.
You can find our prop closet behind the bifold doors - which consists of various chairs/stools, tabletop props, drinkware etc. Please put all props from that closet back before leaving the studio. We also have water, a broom, the garbage etc. available in that closet.
Renters and clients do not have access to the door/closet closest to the front door as well as the basement.
We ask that you do not put any dirty diapers, large amounts of food or anything with a significant smell into either of the garbages in the studio. Please dispose of any items like that outside of the studio at your own discretion or in the dumpsters next to the parking lot.